lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019


 Who is right? Most of the time in the academic field, who says to be right is prepared to give the best arguments either for or against a particular issue that is presented. Other times, in the political sphere, not only the arguments are taken into account, but also the strength of the oratory that accompanies it to defend some notion, but what happens when it comes to society?
       When it is the society that is deeply divided by an issue, public, academic and even cultural spaces are filled to defend with arguments and with the force of oratory the pros and cons of some topic, therefore, when all the front are exhausted, apparently, the only alternative that remains is the path of violence.
       Violence begins with a low intensity, and then, each day, increase more and more until reaching a point of inflection in which violence will generate more violence so that large-scale conflicts seem imminent. We must bear in mind, that in the case of Venezuela, this issue is nothing more and nothing less than the maximum political power that represents a president.
       Sad that Venezuelans are in a raw social conflict, because the issue touches all areas of life in Venezuelan society. Faced with this situation, it is reality as well as history, which can offer impartiality to solve this type of issues.
       Undoubtedly the reality contradicts the powers that hold this moment the official government of Venezuela, why do Maduro and his generals insist on holding on to power? The only viable and logical explanation is that it must be for economic reasons, nothing more.
       Therefore, it is time for Venezuela to confront that other Venezuela, which is obstinate, for fear of the future or anger, in continuing to support the regime. It must be, definitely the last chapter towards freedom.

martes, 31 de julio de 2018


       Those women with big breasts and pretty faces are doing aesthetic surgeries, which nalgona women wear silicone, or that beautiful and charming women are nothing but interested and careerists. In short, there is an indeterminate number of derogatory qualifiers and stigmatization against women who are simply beautiful and have their charms, but why?

       Generally those same people who point out with unusual and excessive viciousness to beautiful women (it is very rare that men are the ones who criticize them); they also dare to give some answers for the very fact of the beauty and charm that surround beautiful women and charming, and generally blame men for it.

       That it is because of men that women see themselves in the painful obligation of performing plastic surgeries, and that it is because of the imposition of the recalcitrant machismo of Latin American societies that women have to submit their bodies to all kinds of humiliations such as case of the rigorous diets, or excessive exercises that must be done daily, and that to aggravate such a terrible situation, then come health problems and psychological type such as bulimia or anorexia, and that is not forgiven by free women of thought, those that do not let their will submit to the cruel misogynistic culture that characterizes the masculine world in Latin America.

       Or, there are those who blame men, those who blame men, see the beautiful and charming woman as an opportunist, rebusador or easy, women who supposedly have nothing of education and that by their imagination the only vision they have in life is to have money, or they need someone to keep them well for the rest of their lives, and to aggravate things, end up promoting the idea that they have little or no intelligence, and that the guys who get involved with them will be anything less to conceive a serious and lasting relationship.

       So many qualities and virtues will beautiful and charming women have that they see so many flaws? Will they be so beautiful and charming inside and out that their opponents have not yet been able to change the perception of beauty? For more guilty that look for the wonderful reality that beautiful women will continue to be beautiful and charming. For as much as culture, machismo, misogyny, society, or the million more guilty people who want to find it, those beautiful and charming women will continue to be beautiful, sweet, tender, special, intelligent, strong, brave. They will be guilty, but to love and be loved.

domingo, 29 de julio de 2018


(Case of the USA)

       It is difficult to imagine that a one-year-old baby will be faced with the painful obligation of confronting a judge because he has entered the United States illegally. Some of those judges confessed the discomfort that he had when he had to ask the baby the same thing that an adult is asked, things like ... Why is it in this place? What was the purpose of crossing the border illegally?

       If one asks the judges about the absurdity of the questions, and about the fact that a baby has to appear before the courts as if it were an adult, then they respond: There is no problem because the babies have an official who is In charge of taking care of them, in addition, the babies are presented with a defender of the minor who is ultimately the one who represents them and speaks for them.

       Is it the USA? An insane society with insane laws? Is it the world that is insane? Have you reached such a degree of insanity that you have even come to justify demential actions? What would then be the difference between the demented judges and all the absurd judicial apparatus that surrounds these insane scenes starting with state officials who are more demented because they adhere to insane laws, then they are demented for convenience, for survival, with those insane are they because they prefer to live that life of insanity?

       The difference would be that the demented for convenience and survival as judges and all that kind of absurd pathetic officials alter, destroy and disrupt human lives, entire families, and by effect, the entire society. In that case they would be true criminals, but even worse, with justification of insane laws created by more demented people than those who execute them.

       While the other demented, those who consider dangerous, are those who walk from here to there, happy rather than life. Observing more than sociologists or any social analyst, contemplating more than those contemplative monks, concluding more than those so-called philosophers, and especially, enjoying more of life than the whole society that floods with its dementias schools, institutions, and pathetically laws

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017


       Trump believes, like the abusive school boys, that by the use of force he can do everything he wants without taking anyone into account. Deceptive theory, then, is initially possible, it cannot be denied that the US. They are the world superpower, and if the armed forces wish, they can start a nuclear war. The issue is not new in this sense, likewise, during the Cold War era in the second half of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union also boasted of possessing weapons of all kinds.

       And what does that mean? That Donald Trump and his advisers (ideologues as radical as the Muslim fundamentalists themselves) do not know, or disregard the warnings about the terrible consequences of their daring and undefinable decisions that take, beyond the evidently military, it is an explosion of social conflicts, and nothing more dangerous than provoking an intifada in the middle east by its declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, because it is not only to excite a terrorist group, but to all the brotherhood of Muslims in the whole world.

       Surrounded by the secret service, Donald feels protected, the rest, does not matter, protected from what? If the same thing has been thought by the tyrants who think they feel safe, while the war reaches them like a cancer, and when they realize the real consequences of the absurdity of their arrogant and delirious decisions, then, it is already late, and after yes, a people, a nation, many nations, and many villages destroyed.

       The insolence and indifference towards the moans of the peoples, that caused so much damage to the old societies, with rulers that before anything, neither for political reasons, nor social, nor for any reason, listened to the screams unbridled by the desperation of the people, of the most vulnerable, have become reality, this time, raised a thousand times in Trump, who not only, to the horror of humanity, represses his own people, but that of all societies in the world.

       When will that be when, as the poets would say, what happens is the delirium of those who voted for an unconscious, and who continue to support it. When will be the day that the ears of the sensitive will hear that such a person is no longer in power, when will hate speeches become a thing of the past.


One of the most controversial political issues in recent months has been the systematic expansion of part of the Congress of the Union for the creation of a Prosecutor General, as it means greater efficiency in terms of the functioning of the judicial system. Social and academic pressures have not been worth demanding the creation of this investigative entity; rather, the excuses of the legislators and the executive have hindered the proper functioning of the institution so that the adequate conditions for this end are given.

       And as for the possibility, or rather, a remote possibility, of creating a Constitutional Court, which implies an effective interpretation and application of the Mexican political constitution, not even official mention has been made on the matter, so forgotten is the proposal, which is only remembered by one or another political analyst, without foreseeing the society of the importance and significance that the establishment of a constituent tribunal means.

       Although it is also true that political and economic interests can ultimately influence government and legislative decisions, it does not seem to have the same interest for civil society as pressure groups do. It does not seem very necessary, then; after all there is the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, which is the maximum responsible for dictating the final measures on the constitution. It is enough to observe the difficulties and the social distrust towards institutions like the Attorney General's Office, quite slow and innocuous to do justice, and the lack of balance of powers that the Supreme Court itself should have.

       Political or economic reforms have not been sufficient for the protection of the most vulnerable population and for the defense of human rights in terms of greater equality among the different social actors. A change of mentality will suffice, and this can be achieved through a General Constituent Assembly.

       A political constitution that has been in force for 100 years cannot be adapted to the cultural needs of the present, it is not that it is incapable; it is that the multiple reforms have done nothing but mutilate the very essence of the constitution that was drafted for what were the needs of the entire twentieth century.

       The fear of change is the first and great obstacle; some even dare to say that it would be something like opening a Pandora's Box, with the uncertainty of what could happen in the republic. However, those heroes and heroines of the country, who are honored with such respect to highlight their courage, were the ones who changed history by promulgating the Magna Carta in 1917 with the sole purpose of defending the expensive interests of Mexico. Reserve your fears for other occasions, but were aware of a need for structural change.

       So many conflicts of all kinds that Mexican society has had to face, and how they have been able to emerge triumphant in each of the social, political and economic problems, and this has been demonstrated by the great history of the nation. The foregoing indicates that it is possible to carry out a company of transcendental dimensions for the new generations.

        And what is the fear, if we are already used to it, and what is the silence, if we can still shout and demand, and what the lack of knowledge, if there is political sensitivity in the population. Close your eyes, think about the strength of the Mexican people, open them, accept reality, and take the momentum with the necessary and sufficient effort to make such important decisions that are required for this 21st century.

       In conclusion, the creation of a General Prosecutor's Office and a Constitutional Court cannot be delayed for the Mexican State to make more efficient the co-ordination of a better application of justice and of a defense and promotion of Human Rights, in which the citizens understand and assimilate what the Rule of Law really means.

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017


       Where and when did the conception of regionalism emerge in Colombia? From the first political independence in 1810. And the characteristics of that first independence was that each province that at the moment constituted (originally 13), were declared autonomous and independent states.

       That is, the leaders of each province dreamed of following in the footsteps of the United States of America by raising the possibility of making the nascent Colombia a federal government, in which each state should have its own laws and police, with autonomy, this experiment lasted little, because, since the central government in Bogota never saw viable federalism, they preferred a central government.

       The political crises were not expected and this led to conflicts not only against Bogotá, but populations that rebelled against the capitals of some of the main provinces, these happened in cases as Cartagena and Cauca, the reasons? Many of the motives were economic, but also political, of local interests.

       The feeling of local sovereignty remained in spite of the fact that the leaders of Bogotá were victorious in their purpose of turning Colombia into a central government and victorious in a military sense, for provincial, autonomous and sovereign sentiment became a regional feeling, local identity.

       Thus Bogota, like a kind of queen in which the State revolves around her, consolidated its capital status of the Republic of Colombia, thus constituting an identity of national character. 

       And now that the referendums are in fashion, and that independence sentiments are surfacing in all parts of the world, it would not be unreasonable to think of a hypothetical possibility of each region submitting its own independence to referendum, and thus to separate from Colombia.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017


       The stigma against the so-called oligarchs (those with high purchasing power) who have led and governed nations for centuries, and still continue to do so, has at times generated a collective mistrust that has been used by populists and demagogues in order to create a negative imaginary against these people.

       While it is true that the oligarchs have failed in many of their economic policies, it has not meant a destruction of society, but rather, in the name of the economy and the very abused term of progress, they have been able to carry out political projects concerning improve trade relations (for their own interests of course) and maintain, to some extent, social stability.

       The opposite has happened to the populist and demagogic leaders who have portrayed themselves as revolutionaries, disguised as the much abused term of socialism, or any other name of an alleged social ideology. These political leaders have led to disaster, in most cases, entire nations, resulting in hunger and humiliation.

       Perhaps because of lack of experience, education, or whatever bankruptcy they have, a poor person, without proper political orientation (ideological if you will), cannot but concentrate social hatred and seize the opportune moment to seize the power and to begin with the revenge, to say of the sociologists, adding to the terrible persecutions and bad propaganda of irrational hatred against the poor oligarchs, the slavery, that generally assume of different forms, and oppression towards the most vulnerable population, the humble, the working people, and the population in general.

       Result? Once the demagogues assume power, they show an almost innate ability not to govern, but to destroy social establishment and democratic institutions in order to maintain the status quo they never had in their lives, too late for the population who see an act of betrayal of those whom they saw as a kind of saviors, we do not know what.

       Then, the manifestations arrive, the deaths also, to ask for a change, hoping to restore that order that made him hate, but that is necessary. Like the monarchs in the middle ages, when they dared to expel certain social sectors, such as bankers and merchants and then call them again, because they realized the need for them, simply so that social groups, around the economy , could work.

       The oligarchs also have rights, as any have, and one of them is the right to govern without being stigmatized by the purchasing power they have. The natural tendency to invent an enemy to attribute the evils of a nation should be to blame the population for raising resentful leaders to power. The reflection then, is to claim the oligarchs as one more among the others.