martes, 1 de agosto de 2017


          History shows us the cases of the French Revolution in the eighteenth century, the Russian Revolution in the twentieth century, and the most recent called the Arab Spring. In all of them there is a common denominator, and it has been the determination of the peoples to confront the oppressive regimes, ready to die if necessary, sometimes with the complicity of some military sector that come to share the general malaise of the population.

       Although many analysts predict that the mandate of Maduro will not last beyond six months given the complexity of the administrative corruption and the massive rejection of the Venezuelan citizens. Generally, in a revolution, there is a lot of blood spilled, given the confrontation with the armed forces that support the regime.

       The question is, will the Venezuelan population be willing to shed blood? To confront the armed forces of the country? It all depends on the degree of anger that the citizens have, and a little more than a hundred dead in the different protests throughout the country, is it enough?

       The US government threatens a possible suspension in the importation of Venezuelan oil, and ordinary people will suffer the most from the increased economic crisis, it assumes that if the threat becomes real, then the people's anger It will overflow, and then? There are those who say it could become a kind of Syria, it is unlikely, and therefore, the UN Security Council could take action on the matter.

       What can be done in the face of Maduro's dictatorship is not to faint in street demonstrations, and to stand in front of the government palace, day and night, as the Egyptian population did at some point, until the dictator, tyrant, despotic And oppressor, fall as the dictators have fallen, however much threats he makes, no matter how he tries to stay in power, one day Maduro will fall, if there is a determination of the population as there was in other times.