viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Why Donald Trump will be the new president of the United States

       When Dan Greaney, scriptwriter of the Simpson spoke about the reasons for the series in which Trump had been president, he argued that it was because the US had bottomed out, adding it was a vision in which America went crazy. Regardless that American society has bottomed out or not, the realities are transformed. It should be noted that the totalitarianisms have ascended to power through a thing called democracy.

The following are the reasons and the cultural, social, political, economic and historical that favors the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States:

1. Cultural reasons: While the United States does not face a war situation such as that experienced in the first half of the twentieth century, which affected almost came to hate democracy as a political and economic system, in which participation and pluralism were the pillars of society. Yes there is currently a transformation of mentalities, which has passed since the tolerance of the other, distrust the other, that is, that the marketing of the image to certain population groups, such as the case of immigrants, change drastically and exponentially thanks to the media in all its forms.

       This is due to historical actions of a social minority that exercises any form of violence, and has called terrorism, which is nothing other than ideological radicalism. Well, Trump, has managed to sell another way of terrorism but radicalizing what he calls conservative values, in a supposed defense of American culture.

2. Social reasons: Although well, there have been demonstrations against the many controversial statements Trump, primaries show that, for the moment, much of the population (including Latinos, Asians and other ethnic minority groups) They support this alternative, which, despite being ultra-conservative and orthodox, and even xenophobic, American society considers to be re-direct some ideals such as freedom and famous human rights.

       As if taking the civil society it is time for the law of retaliation, that eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth facing the real threat of the fundamentalists, and this extends, as a result, anyone who thinks and different.

3. Political reasons: The establishment, which represents the traditional politicians, although, ironically, the Republican and Democratic parties do traditional part of it, has generated distrust the long term. Since the establishment has shown itself incapable and weak to new geopolitical realities US, Trump, it has been commissioned to promote a stronger and firmer against the alleged political world.

       These is Trump’s words, not based or have the basis for a structural policy, which inevitably affect US diplomacy and world geopolitics at the expense of national security of both worries the Americans. Something similar to the policies of Otto von Bismarck, with its strong and firm policies fueled the First World War. Something that the population of U.S.A. He does not see or perceive, because what matters is the moment of the present.

4. The economic and historical reasons: Circumstantially Trump is a successful entrepreneur shown outside the political traditionalism and sells the image that your experience will improve the country's economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, the more likely it is that in U.S.A. a new economic crisis, therefore, the very slow recovery so does provide is present. Adolf Hitler was a politician who showed the weak outside traditional political, and that weakness was the one with the earlier global military and economic power, as was Germany, in a situation of social and political chaos.

       In support of its histrionic, xenophobic and radical speeches, always he appealed to German values, its history, and this, showing as a politician who acts supposedly around the law. German society was driven, also motivated by the media (but had small groups demonstrating against Hitler) to radically change their conception of the other, to transform its culture in a political culture, to conceive of democracy as a dictatorial democracy, which ended up affecting a terrible, horrible and painful way to the world, German society and its political, economic and historical conception.

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