The plenipotentiary secretary,
official spokesman and historical adviser of the Antioquia governments José
Manuel Restrepo (accompanied by Juan del Corral), at the beginning of the 19th
century, was clear that Antioquia should advocate for a federal and autonomous
government, as one political scientist would say, a government Decentralized.
The reasons used by the
different provinces that defended the federation in New Granada were basically
to follow the steps of the system of government of the nascent United States of
America, adhering to its judicial, military and legislative formula. The idea
that it was the best way to defend the American peoples from French troops, and
who maintained a supposed fidelity to King Ferdinand VII, were no more than
political excuses, the fact is that Antioch was present in political debates,
and yet , In the fratricidal wars of the decade of 1810 to defend firmly the
longed Federal Antioquia.
The times changed, historical
processes finally conceived the republic of Colombia as a centralized nation,
and that was consolidated at the beginning of the 20th century, after so many
vicissitudes, warlike conflicts, and especially, after the celebrations of the
commemorations of the Centennial of the Independence of Colombia in 1910,
taking as a reference what happened in Santafe de Bogota in 1810, although it
is true that some provinces continued to long for those moments of federative
governments, in the case of Antioquia, sentiment has remained alive in some
sectors of the region.
That sentiment awakens every
time that the Antioquia leaders feel attacked, or somehow affected by the
policies from Bogota, like what happened with a recklessness on the part of the
government during the time of the drug traffic between the decades of 1980 and
1990, in Who excluded Antioquia from the map of tourist destinations, aroused
not the Antioquia people, but rather the mafia groups, to generate again the feeling
of a federal Antioquia, promoting a possible citizen initiative for such a
case, but the Situation did not go to greater social consequences.
Now, in 2017, the problem in
the case of Belén de Bajirá, a hamlet that is disputed in local terms by the
municipality of Mutatá, on the Antioqueño side, and the municipality of
Riosucio, on the Chocoan side, has again generated the Feeling of a federal
Antioquia. The case is more of a political than a social character, because the
abandonment of such a village has been historical on the one hand and on the
other, and has more demagogic and economic ingredients than real interest in
the settlers.
Terms such as the Antioqueña
race, which has been abused by opportunists, or the exaltation of the Antioqueños
as a region, only affects the social relations of a nation that although it has
a consolidated institutionally, is still under construction, and in The extent
to which political discourses are radically affected will seriously affect the
economy and culture of both regions, which, in the end, those who actually
benefit from the conflicts, have been some political and economic leaders, that
is, a few people.
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